Installing WordPress
You can have a WordPress site up and running in minutes by using the Softaculous application installer in cPanel.
To install WordPress using Softaculous, follow these steps:
- Log in to cPanel
- In the SOFTACULOUS APPS INSTALLER section of the cPanel home screen, click Softaculous Apps Installer. The Softaculous installer page appears.
- In the Search text box, type wordpress and then press Enter
- Click Install. The installation page appears.
- In the Choose Protocol list box, select the protocol
- In the Choose Domain list box, select the domain for installation, or accept the default value.
- In the In Directory text box, type the directory where you want to install the application, or accept the default value.
- In the Site Name text box, type the site name. By default, the site name appears in the title bar of users’ web browsers when they visit your site.
- In the Site Description text box, type the site description. By default, the site description also appears in the title bar of users’ web browsers when they visit your site.
- To enable the WordPress Multisite feature (also known as WordPress Multiuser or WPMU), select the check box.
- In the Admin Username text box, type the administrator username.
- In the Admin Password text box, type the administrator password
- In the Admin Email text box, type the site administrator e-mail address.
- In the Select Language list box, select the default language for the application.
- To limit the number of login attempts, under Select Plugin(s), select the Limit Login Attempts check box.
- Click the
icon to expand Advanced Options.
- In the Database Name text box, type the name of the database to create for the application, or accept the default value.
- In the Table Prefix text box, type the database table prefix, or accept the default value.
- If you do not want to receive e-mail notifications when application updates are available, select the Disable Update Notifications Emails check box.
- To automatically update the application when updates are available, select the Auto Upgrade check box.
- To automatically update plugins when updates are available, select the Auto Upgrade WordPress Plugins check box.
- To automatically update themes when updates are available, select the Auto Upgrade WordPress Themes check box.
- In the Backup Location list box, you can select a location to store application backups.
- In the Automated backups list box, you can select whether or not Softaculous makes periodic backups of your application.
- In the Backup Rotation list box, you can select how often Softaculous overwrites the oldest backup file with a new backup file.
- To receive site configuration information after the installation is complete, type an e-mail address in the Email installation details to text box.
- Review the installation options and settings, and then click . When installation is complete, Softaculous provides information about the application’s configuration.